Chances are that if you’re reading this, you’ve noticed landscape lighting somewhere—and now you’re interested. It’s an easy thing to notice, because landscape lighting does more than just throw some light on the front porch: it turns the landscape around a house into a beautiful and dramatic backdrop for the life inside of it.
It changes how the place feels at night. It feels safer, more inviting. There’s more to see. You’ll be inclined to linger longer on the porch, and your guests won’t trip on the steps on the way to their car. These are just some of the reasons why discerning homeowners all across the country choose landscape lighting to transform their outdoor spaces. We’ll talk here about the three biggest advantages of landscape lighting: beauty, extending the usability of your landscape, and safety.
Landscape lighting just is beautiful. Or perhaps more accurately, it makes the beauty of your property visible at night. You’ll love what landscape lighting will do to transform your landscape after dark. It turns the trees outside the window from ominous dark shapes into dramatically lit, intricately wrought sculptures. Sidewalks move in and out of pools of warm, white light, and the architecture takes on a grand, dignified air.
The right landscape lighting brings out the best in your landscaping and in your house. Grazing your walls with an accent light creates a rich ambience for your home as the textures of your building materials become visible as at no other time. Spotlighting trees, statuary, and water features gives them new life at night. Plus, it means that you can see your landscaping all of the time, so it’s not just something that disappears when the sun goes down and reappears the next morning when you drive to work. Which leads to the next advantage: extending the usability of your landscape.

An illuminated landscape is a landscape you can walk in, play in, or relax in. Which means that when you add landscape lighting to your outdoor areas, you extend their usability into the night. This can make a big difference in how you live in your space, and it gives you a greater return on the investment you’ve made in your landscape.
Outdoor living areas come alive at night. Not only can you leave the flashlight in the kitchen when you go out to flip burgers on the grill, but the right landscape lighting creates a relaxing and soothing atmosphere for everyone to enjoy. Whether you’re hosting a garden party, having a family dinner on the porch or relaxing at the end of the day with a glass of wine, landscape lighting makes that outdoor living area a great place to be.

Pools and hot tubs also benefit from landscape lighting. It will illuminate the steps or path on the way there and create great views from the water. Lights make the pool a place you want to stay after dark, or a place that’s lovely to be in while the kids play into the evening. Additionally, illuminating trees or architectural features across water creates great reflection effects.
If you’ve got a family or enjoy sports, you can use your landscape lighting to illuminate a grassy play area, basketball hoop, tennis court or putting green. Even if your only outdoor activity is walking into and out of the house, landscape lighting makes it easier, more enjoyable, and safer—which is the last advantage of landscape lighting we’ll talk about.
While landscape lighting makes your property more beautiful, it’s also a way to make your property more safe and secure at night. Shining light on hazards will protect you and your guests on the property. Steps, stairways, and other trip hazards can be subtly illuminated to prevent trips and falls. Benches, retaining walls and edges of decks and porches can be identified with well-placed lighting. It’s a much better way to address safety on your property at night than with glaring security lights.
Landscape lighting also contributes to the security of your home and property. It’s well-known that well-lit areas are less susceptible to crime than less well-lit areas. You can use lighting to eliminate dark spots in the landscape and next to the house in order to to deter anyone with bad intentions from targeting your house, helping you rest easier at night.
There are lots of reasons to install landscape lighting, but whatever the reason, you’re going to be happy with your lighting system. Customer satisfaction with landscape lighting is extremely high: you won’t believe the difference in your property after the sun goes down.